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Gallery of General Bob's Babies

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Breeding to our jack General Bob couldn't be a better decision. He is very gentle, easy going and very handsome. He is a 59 1/2 inch jack, with great forward movement and a flat-kneed lope that he passes on to his get. He has a lot of suspension and great length to his stride. We have seen him pass on to his get time and time again his gentleness, trainability, and perfect conformation. He is also very good about throwing color to his babies. Bob has also done very well breeding to TWH mares and other gaited breed mares. Honestly, I really do believe he is the best kept secret in the mule making world today. General Bob would benefit from being shown and promoted more on the show circuit, however unfortunately life seems to always get in the way. He is a very easy jack to handle while breeding, and is always a gentleman to his mares.
Stud Fee is $600 plus $17 per day mare care. If mare has foal by her side then $20 per day. We have a Live Foal Guarantee and Multiple Mare Discount available as well. Please Contact Us for more details.
Cooled/Fresh Semen
We require a completed and signed Shipped Semen Contract and full payment before any shipments will be made. Also request at least 72 hours notice prior for collection time.
Our collection fee is $200 and shipping fees are subject to the current charges of UPS for overnight shipping to your location. Any further shipments will be at an additional cost. Contact us for further details and specifics.
Payments by credit card will ensue a 4% processing fee.
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